n00b Unlimited FAQ

Here you can find answers to questions about how the board works. Use the links or search box below to find your way around.

Font size

The font size in this location.
If empty - used the default of the userbars.

Image size

This parameter plays a role if the "Text" is the value {mapimage} or {icon}.
This option sets the size of the image maps / icons in pixels.

If empty - picture of map equal to 45px, and the icon is 11px.

Font color

Location userbars supports two types of color tables: RGB and HEX.

You can use them on your choice.

If empty - used the default of the userbars.

Text font location

You can use your font for the location. Only supports ttf. If the font is not the location, it uses the default font in the userbar (if available).


Radius - the slope of the text in pixels.

For convenience, use the preview.

The text in the location

Text location - what is displayed at the userbar, i.e. text.

The text of the location can be used the following variables:
Can be used with text
{ip} - IP/port server;
{name} - Server Name;
{players} - Players/Slots;
{map} - Map;
{online} - Online status;
{offline} - Offline status;
{rating} - Rating;
{views} - Number of views;
{comments} - Number of comments;
{playerscount} - Number of players;
{playersmax} - Number of slots;

Not be used with text
{mapimage} - Image maps;
{icon} - Icon of game type

* For {mapimage} and {icon} can be used the "Image size".

Players on the server {players}

Horizontal spacing

Horizontal spacing - the value retreating position from the left side, in pixels.

For convenience, use the preview.

Vertical spacing

Vertical spacing - the value retreating position from the top in pixels.

For convenience, use the preview.

Search FAQ

Select this option if you would like your search to look in the text of FAQ items as well as their titles.

Select an option here to specify how you would like your search query to be treated. 'Any words' will return the most numerous but possibly least relevant results, while 'Complete phrase' will return only results that contain exactly what you are searching for.