if they dont ask for a map change then dont ask for one. thats when a lot of trouble starts. just becasue an adnim wants a new map does not mean that they have to vote for a new one. and as for the camper. he/she too needs to follow that rule regardless maps are not camping maps, and if he/she keeps it then they will be dealt with so p.m. me drink or organ so we can talk to them as far as the regs go. you are an admin first (pasties and siosios never got to paly either for the longest time. thats why they have us.) you need (as all admins) to keep the server happy. when dead get rid of the issues at hand. its gg, people die really fast. its not hard to handle them.
and i have not been on because my grandma got really sick and i have been taking care of her. so sorry that i have not been in game. but most regs have my number if im needed and all gg admins have it to. i check daily on my server and the issues. so now if its an issue with me you have email me and we will talk. [email protected]