Hey guys, I'm back (so to speak) and doing a bit better. They gave me Hydrocodones for my pain medicine and some antibiotics to fight infections or something like that.

I'm doing better. I got the surgery on May 30th, and had to wear some sort of vest-binder thing afterwards for about a week; then another week another type of vest - sort of like kevlar without the padding. I got the kevlar-type vest off today and have to wear it nightly now. I almost passed out because he put some sort of medical liquid on my scars for the tape / bandages. The fumes were unbearable!

I'm doing better and might consider coming back to CS:S after my WoW days. I barely play WoW now because of Xbox Live and Battlefield: Bad Company Demo.

XBOX TAG: Agent Baker230 (it's an inside joke; don't worry im not serious about it)

Peace and love (me jk jk).
