Ok, I know I personally haven't been on the ZM server much in the past while, but this idea I am about to suggest relates to the fixing of that problem, for me and many others. The server has gotten sort of boring, The maps are old, it just doesn't have the same attraction it used to. Activeness and population has gone down on the server lately, and this is my suggestion as to how to possibly fix it up.

Now, The server has many maps on it, but only a few on the RTV list. And many of the maps on the RTV list, are fairly boring [I know I'm not the only one feeling this]. My idea is to change the list of maps to vote on within the RTV every month or two. This could make the server feel fresh and more enjoyable. I'm not sure how much trouble this might be to do, but perhaps someone would be willing to try this out?

Aswell, Juu.MF.Juu, Rey and I believe that Natalya should possibly be given the chance for senior admin on the ZM. She knows allot about mapping, she cares about N/U, she's active, and depending on whether or not she's willing to put the time into it, I think she would be willing to help out with adding maps and possibly changing around the RTV.

These are just suggestions that could really help the server. Maps are too overplayed, and I just think Natalya could help these problems out.


Ok Juu suggested the senior admin thing, He said it might not actually be called senoir admin, but like it gives you the ability to add maps, perma ban, change server settings, etc.