Quote Originally Posted by JaX View Post
who gives a shit about realisim nat you just went to the page and looked at the first picture of the map and said "this is shit . period" just becasue you dont like a map doesnt mean that everybody else has to hate it
We have had a number of those maps before. And I've tested others like the arctic escape for example. I have played on about half of those maps.

End and Desolo are pro maps. End doesn't have spots you say...? I'll start listing them off...

- Room with Boiler, Box, and Vending machine and the opening//closing window thing
- Elevator Room
- There is a place sorta in between these, it has some boxes and is partially fenced in
- The Secret Bathroom and that whole area in general
- The section off to the right of the End. room
- One of the box cars has good stuff for camping in it
- Area before the End. room on the right with the bent fence you gotta jump over

As for Desolo...

- On the tiny ledges where u jump over a rail to get to them
- Also in that massive room there is a red building thing, you can team camp on it's top
- The area with the fallen down support beam u walk up
- The rooms in the back of the map with the desks and cabinets
- The room with all the support trusses going everywhere
- Any of those dark rooms with props in them
- In the end of the hallway where the broken concrete rubble is